Coverage that Meets Your Needs
Personal Insurance

Homeowners insurance is a property and casualty policy that provides coverage for a private residence. A home policy typically covers losses and damages to your personal residence, as well as furnishings and certain other assets within your home. It also includes liability coverage against certain types of accidents that occur within your home or on your property. Combining your home and auto insurance policies could save you time and money.

If you rent a home, apartment or condo, you need a renters insurance policy. Contact us and we can help you see how easy and affordable it is to better protect your personal belongings and also provide personal liability coverage.

Surety bonds are designed to guarantee a principal’s integrity and honesty, performance and financial responsibility, as well as compliance with a law or contract.
Contract or Performance bonds guarantee that a contractor will abide by the specifications of a construction contract. This includes performing the work properly and paying specified subcontractors, laborers and material suppliers.
Probate bonds, also known as judicial bonds or court surety bonds, are often required in court proceedings to help protect from a possible loss.

Flood insurance is additional protection and separate coverage from your homeowners policy. Flood insurance helps protects you from rising water that could damage your home and furnishings inside your home.”
If you live in an area at high risk for floods, flood insurance may be required by your lender.

There is comfort in knowing that even if your health takes an unexpected turn, you and your family will have a financial safety net. Life and Health insurance can be hard to navigate and understand. We have experienced life and health agents here to help you understand the type of protection you are looking for.

Umbrella insurance is a type of personal liability insurance that can cover liability losses in excess of regular homeowners, auto, or watercraft policy coverage.
Umbrella insurance can covers not just the policyholder, but also other members of their family or household listed on the policy.

If you own a recreational vehicle or boat, you need a policy to help protect your investment and liability coverage if you accidentally injure someone or damage their property.
Since we are a coastal agency, we are experienced in offering coverage for your boating needs.

If you own a vehicle or motorcycle, you need auto insurance. Automobile insurance policy helps provide financial protection for you, and possibly others if you’re involved in an accident. Contact us to get a personalized car insurance quote with options that meet your needs and include available discounts to get a competitive rate.
For over half a century, Remer Lane Insurance has served the residents of Savannah, GA and surrounding areas. We can offer you an insurance package that matches your described needs. Property and Casualty, Boat, Motorcycle, Renters, Flood, Life, Health and Umbrella coverage can help keeps you and your family better protected.
At Remer Lane Insurance, we’ve partnered with some of the most trusted insurance providers on the market. This way, our clients access coverage options from some of the most reputable sources. Even if you’re not sure which form of coverage will best suit your needs, you can rely our qualified professionals to point you in the right direction.
Take a look at the following section to get a better sense of your options. If you would like to learn more about a particular carrier, all you have to do is click the provided link. Our homeowner, car, and personal insurance brokers have made it easier than ever to remain protected.
Make an Appointment
Remer Lane Insurance proudly serves the Savannah, GA area with all kinds of personal, property, and business insurance. Contact us today to find a plan that suits your needs!